Miscellaneous Skills
In the time I’ve devoted to crafting & polishing the talents I’ve laid out in detail thus far, I’ve also managed to become fairly knowledgeable in some of the other jobs I took on along the way…
Grip / Production Assistant
The most common, of course, has been the duty of simply being on hand to assist with whatever requires attention on set— relating to props & set pieces, cables, boom poles, or the transportation of equipment— often times leading into Grip-specific tasks, and working directly with lights and such.
See You Up There (2019)
Chaos (2020)
My Roommate is a Nightmare (2019)
Dead Men Don’t Write (2020)
Sorry For Your Loss (2019)
The Home Depot: Beam Safety (2020)
Westview Dance Troupe: Spring Concert (2021)
Camera Operator
Aside from BTS Photography, I’ve done some work in the way of controlling the camera as it records principal footage— most recently taking on solo assignments in documenting an event or filming a short video on others’ behalf.
Household Names (2019): Episode 2, Camera #2 of 3
CSDPA: The 17th Annual Spring Dance Concert (2022)
Foothill Bible Church: Website Welcome (2021)
Westview Dance Troupe: Dancing Into December (2021)
A Message for Jack (2018)
Seventeen (2021)
Producer/ Production Coordinator
In addition to editing “A Message for Jack,” I was the producer as well. So I completely understood just how much “Seventeen’s” producer had on his plate when that time came (arranging everything, drawing up paperwork, sending call sheets, etc.), hence my willingness to try and alleviate that pressure as best I could during the shoot— by ensuring active communication amongst the crew, making sure all the necessary equipment was on hand, picking up & distributing lunch, and driving out to gather any other materials required (gas for power generators, water, prop replacements, etc.), so that the producer could stay on set to continue overseeing the production.
Shackled (2018)
Digital Imaging Technician
While my experience in this regard has focused primarily on the “data-wrangling” aspect of the job, it has proven useful nonetheless— in that any set I’ve worked on requesting this service from me has seen only the utmost care taken in preserving and backing up all recorded footage & files (either during principal photography or afterward).
Stuck On You (2019)
Craft Services
On two occasions— “A Message for Jack” and one of the “Lebowski” sets— I handled the food acquisition and distribution, taking extra care to have plenty of options for those who needed them (accounting for dietary restrictions and allergies among the cast and crew). I don’t expect this job to come up often, if at all, so in my opinion it was a moment worth savoring when it did.
“Lebowski” Scene Recreations (2019)
Outer Dark (2020)
Transportation Driver
A fateful day ultimately arrived when a camper van being rented for a production needed to be driven over 130 miles to set (and then back again two days later)— and as it turns out, I was the one chosen to make the trip. Not to mention, all the food for the cast & crew was in the van, so getting to set on time was critical, to say the least. But it was an interesting drive. Quite nice, actually. Even though it started raining at one point.