
Where I’ve so often found an incredible sense of achievement is in the exporting of a finished video after a particularly arduous edit. “Trial and error” absolutely defined my work early on— but with more opportunities in the form of personal projects, assignments, and requests from clients, I’ve managed to take all the skills that were self-taught (A/V synchronization, sound mixing, VFX, color correction, Chroma-keying, etc.) and reinforce them with profound study from the best resources in post-production. This I feel has paved the way for not only higher quality in a completed film, but for the emergence of a far wiser editor in the process.



  • CSDPA: The 17th Annual Spring Dance Concert (2022)

    My latest in a series of dance concert-based freelance jobs led to what was ultimately my most in-depth task of this nature yet: Three different shows— each two hours in length, chronicled by three cameras at once— were assembled into separate full-length videos that illustrated each spellbinding moment of these performers, and thereafter delivered to patrons in the form of DVDs & BluRay discs I put together firsthand.

  • WVDT: Dancing Into December (2021)

    A successful venture at documenting Westview’s previous dance recital led to my return for an encore demonstration once Winter arrived! This time the dancers were back in the theater, dedicated as ever, and I had the chance to incorporate four different camera angles of my own design for an even more opportunistic edit than before. DVD/Blu-Ray authoring was also a task I opted to oversee personally.

  • Foothill Bible Church: Website Welcome (2021)

    With a new website under construction, this church wanted an effective means of conveying to newcomers the practices, services, opportunities, beliefs, and overall sense of community they offered. A “welcome video” of sorts was what they sought, and what became my goal to film and edit upon their request— taking great care in showcasing the natural beauty of my surroundings along the way.

  • Westview Dance Troupe: Spring Concert (2021)

    Tasked with recording, editing, and distributing this performance for the dancers of Westview (who truly gave it their all, even through less-than-ideal conditions), I saw to the operation of two cameras running simultaneously— documenting both of the shows put on that day at different angles— and utilized all of the best footage to make a full-length video of the concert, which was then sent to patrons via DVDs they ordered.

  • The Home Depot: Beam Safety (2020)

    My time as a merchandising associate at The Home Depot provided me an opportunity to make a safety video for our team one day, as the holidays came around and our supervisors wanted to emphasize safe methods in assembling beams & resetting bays for such event(s). I came to work, recorded observational footage of the team carrying out these projects, and then edited the video based on what aspects of the job I was asked to highlight.

  • His Name is Chris (2019)

    As huge an honor as it already was to be able to play a part in telling this man’s story— of tragedy being met with the utmost devotion & commitment of a loving family, working to help him live his life through the resulting hardship just the same— it was even more of an honor to see the completed tale recognized for all its worth, as it was named Best Documentary of the night following its debut to audiences at SDSU!

  • Stuck On You (2019)

    Edited right alongside “His Name is Chris,” this comedic/dramatic short film— about an ex-couple forced to reconcile their differences when they inadvertently kill an intruder and find themselves stuck with a body they must dispose of— also found its way to a premiere for audiences at the same showcase! It was unbelievably fulfilling to see both projects put on display for others in such a setting, and I’ll never forget that experience.

  • Household Names (2019): Episodes 5 & 6

    Two installments of a six-part studio production miniseries were left in my care after we got them recorded. Thus, it was my job to do this post-apocalyptic sitcom justice, as it involved five relatively/formerly famous cultural icons trying to survive each other’s presence in a slowly-ending world. There was even a musical episode (“Curtain”), if you can believe that… and I got to be the editor for it!

  • Writer's Block (2018)

    This was my university-level foray into writing and directing a short film, and I’m not at all ashamed to admit that it was born entirely out of having actual writer’s block while brainstorming. I didn’t think it would actually get made when I wrote it— but in the end, it was up to me to bring the absurdity of multiple characters/stories/concepts clashing in one room (with a mob of cloned pirates swordfighting, gangsters vs. zombies, and UFOs only accounting for a few) to life. Yet somehow, we made it happen. With decent editing being essential to fully-realized ridiculousness.

  • A Message for Jack (2018)

    I was partnered with a couple of true greats in the production-design & cinematography departments for this one. So naturally, when the incredible work on both fronts came into play (post-it notes EVERYWHERE), I knew that in assembling the final product I needed to match that proficiency, and truly reflect the slowly-dawning dread of this confused man as he retraced his steps… in a journey that could only lead to atonement.